Better late than never, I’ve finally arranged a book release event for The Rediscovery of Tobacco. After giving some thought to the venue, I realized there was only one ideal spot to host it: The Horse Brass Pub, whose former owner Don Younger was the most outspoken opponent of Oregon’s smoking ban. He and his bar feature in chapter five of the book, which focuses on the spread of smoking bans and the ways in which class influences who is forced to abide by them. Much against Don’s wishes, the Horse Brass is now smoke-free by fiat of the state, so attendees won’t have to worry going home smelling like smoke. I’ll be selling and signing books from 6:00-8:00 pm on Monday, November 4th. For those so inclined, we’ll likely head elsewhere after for celebratory cigars.
My most recent piece for Reason draws on themes in my book to explain how the previous decade’s debates over smoking bans illuminate today’s moral panic about vaping. Read it here.
While I was in DC recently, I had the pleasure of recording a live podcast with Caleb Brown of the Cato Institute, which is now available for streaming online. I’ve also spoken with Mitch Kokai of the John Locke Foundation and Brent Stafford of RegWatch.
Finally, the first local coverage of my book has come from Mark Fogerson of Portland Monthly, who met with me to discuss cigarettes, cigars, smoking bans, vaping, and related issues.
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